Aerial Yoga for Kids

Aerial yoga has the same benefits of typical yoga, but there are also additional sensory, cognitive, and health benefits. Aerial yoga gives the body more room to stretch. Since gravity isn’t an issue the spine is decompressed, muscle tension is released and blood circulation is enhanced. It’s such therapeutic because it provides a calming sensory experience for children. The therapeutic poses are designed with an emphasis on the central nervous system, which promotes sensory integration and self-regulation.
Let’s take a look at some of the key benefits of aerial yoga for children.
Aerial Kid’s Yoga Benefits
•Improves Cognitive Functioning and Memory
•Enhances Social Relationships
•Boosts Strength
•Improves Sleep
•Increases Perseverance and Determination
•Enhances Motor Planning Skills
•Boosts Children’s Self-Regulation
•Deep Pressure
•Body Awareness
•Sensory integration
….and so much more!!
ℹ️ For more info please contact us🙂
Stay tuned 😉


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